Like many Hebrew words, tzedaka is not easily translated into English. It includes the charitable acts that we do to support individuals in need as well as the donations we make to causes and institutions we believe in.
Most of all, however, it is undergirded by the notion that what we give we give because justice (tzedek) demands it.
Perhaps you have benefited from something that we’ve done, in some way large or small, and are looking to pay it forward. Perhaps you have a friend or a loved one in whose honor or memory you’d like to make a meaningful donation. Perhaps you want to advance a particular cause or program, because it aligns with your values in a significant way. Or perhaps you simply believe that Northern Hills Synagogue does important work and needs to be supported.
Whatever the case, we appreciate your act of tzedaka, and we thank you for recognizing our community as a worthy cause to which you can contribute.

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Rabbi Benjamin G. Azriel
Rabbi Benjamin Azriel serves as the Executive Director of NHS. He may be a huge Cubs fan from Chicago, but he has found Ohio to be his home in the last decade.